Virtue in Public Life. RSVP

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Integrating Faith and a Vocation in Public Policy

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Intellectually Rigorous, Theologically Faithful

We are a community of congressional staffers and Members of Congress that meet regularly to think deeply about how our faith informs and impacts our calling to the public square.

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Learning to Disagree


Learning to Disagree Practical Advice for Polarized Times

John Inazu

Up the Down Staircase

Friday Forums

Up the Down Staircase How to Build Up When Everything Seems to be Falling Down?

Baroness Philippa Stroud


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On a personal level, I’ve become a more well-rounded believer. I’ve thought through and considered many new ideas and practical ways to serve in my job and at home because of Faith and Law.
Hill Staffer
It’s helped spark ideas that I take back to our legislative team and talk through.
Hill Staffer
F&L is unique because of the overarching community in DC that undergirds it. The sense of community, family, and partnership is tangible. It’s apparent people are living out their dream, by chronicling a Biblical narrative in the midst of our Nation’s Capital.
Hill Staffer