
Georgette Chapman Phillips

LVB Staff//April 11, 2022

Georgette Chapman Phillips

LVB Staff//April 11, 2022//

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Georgette Chapman Phillips

Kevin L. and Lisa A. Clayton Dean of the College of Business

Lehigh University

“I am responsible for the development and growth of the faculty, students and staff at the College of Business as well as the vision for Lehigh Business and the strategic plan to achieve our goals,” said Phillips, who’s been in her current role for eight years.

What she enjoys most is seeing students, faculty and staff blossom to their fullest potential.

“Early in my academic career, a senior faculty member advised me to step back and realize that each individual comes into a situation with a unique perspective,” Phillips said. “This advice has led me to finding mutual respect in my interactions, which almost always open a door to a path forward and success.”

“Very few young people start out wanting to be a dean,” she explained, “but higher education requires a passion for research. In light of that, one should never stop learning, remain curious and keep your scope of interests from narrowing too early.”

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This profile is part of Lehigh Valley Business' Higher Education Power 30 list for 2022. Information used in this profile was sourced from the honoree. See the full list at lvb.com or in our digital edition.
